If you are experiencing difficulties logging into your Cowrywise account, one potential reason could be the use of a VPN on your device. VPNs can alter your device's network settings, potentially affecting your ability to access certain apps and services. To determine if VPN is causing the log in issue, please follow the steps outlined below based on your device type.
For IOS Devices:
Go to your phone settings.
Click on "General."
Scroll down and click on "VPN & Device Management."
If the VPN status is shown as connected, please proceed to turn it off
For Android Devices:
Go to your phone settings.
Click on "Connections."
Scroll up and click on "More connection settings."
If the VPN status is shown as connected, please proceed to turn it off.
Once you have disabled the VPN on your device, try logging into your Cowrywise account again. In most cases, this should resolve the login difficulties you were experiencing. However, if the issue persists or if you encounter any other problems, please reach out to our support team for further assistance. We are here to help you navigate through any challenges and ensure a smooth login process.